MACBookPlayStation2 emulator – 2psPS2레터e로fe임ac mac(Feat.PCSX2) Posted by FlyingDeuk 4 days before March 23rd
Pre-Flying Deuk’s post succeeded in installing PS3 emulator, but the specification was low and failed to drive…Windows now looks for a way to put the emulator for PS2 on the Macbook that was already in use…
Going back and forth between windows at boot camp has become a bit troublesome now… It also started with why Macs don’t have many games.The PCSX2 emulator still does not have official support after Mac OSlion. This has also been followed by a successful programmer.Wiki’s PlayStation 2 (PlayStation 2) is a successor to the PlayStation, which was released by Sony Computer Entertainment in Japan on March 4, 2000. The abbreviation is Plus 2, PS2, and in Japan it is also called Preste 2 (Japanese: Press – [*]). All two PlayStation models were discontinued in December 2012.
PCSX2 Emulator is the most famous emulator for very old PS2. Since 2012, MacBook has no official support.PCSX2 Installation -> Official Site Address
The site can be downloaded free of charge from the download. If you’re a Windows or Linux user…
However, MacOS will no longer support…
Unavailable is not impossible…Google Ring~~!!!This Github site is continuously updated by installation programmers on PCSX2 Github.→ Github Site
Check for the latest version released by the programmer and click!!!
If you put it down…
PCSX2-1.7.064 Bit Accepts the Latest Compressed Version
When uncompressed, the app is created, and if you put it in the application, it’s over~~Apple-style app installation…What’s different from the fun windows that everyone knows…The 3rd Party app downloaded on the Internet can be opened with a right click…just turn it off when you open it…This is also Apple’s style… It’s downloaded on the Internet… It opens with the heat.If you just set up Language and Next, the installation will end.Now you can put in the BIOS you need to run the game. Now that you have installed the PCSX2 BIOS installation PS2 emulator, let’s install the BIOS to run the game…>Anywhere on Google is fine. If you search Google for PS2bios, you’ll find many places. Download and uncompress anywhereDuring the initial setup, the appropriate window appears, where you can enter the folder as soon as you press Open in Explorer. Paste all downloaded files.Like above…Pressing Refreshlist confirms that it is well contained. -> FinishNow I’m ready for the game…get the game and run it…get the PS2 ROM file, even PS2 is easily available on the organized site. If you want more than that, you have to use Torrent’s help.romsgames It’s organized by game, so you can download it.Utorrent MAC BookuTorrent – How to use P2P safely -> Learn how to use Torrent here… Composed of around 5-8GB per game. You can download it using the above method.PS2 Hangul Rom Complete Collection Torrent File → Save Link File under a Different Name!! After you’re ready to play the game, just enjoy it now.PS2 is basically released on DVD and has an ISO file format. Simply connect the downloaded ISO file location. CDVD -> ISO Selector -> BrowseSelect an ISO file.Now that the DVD has been inserted…Press Boot ISO to run it.Interesting games GOD OF WAR 1 and 2 are one of the best games that PS2 can play.I only need to buy one game pad worth 30,000 to 40,000 won from now..Have fun!!!For game pad vibration, it must be set.Posting of three emulators that can be installed on a PostScript Mac has been completed. I don’t think it’s going to be any better, but if I buy a better Mac later, I’ll try RPCS3 again. I’ll finish posting just in case.Return to INDEXYou can download ROMs such as GBA, SNES, NDS, N64, PSX, 3DS, and GBC.Download ROMs and emulators such as GBA, SNES, NDS, GBC, GB, N64, NES, PSP, PS2, XBOX and Wii. All games run on PC, Mac, Android and can download ROMs such as GBA, SNES, NDS, N64, PSX, 3DS, and GBC.Download ROMs and emulators such as GBA, SNES, NDS, GBC, GB, N64, NES, PSP, PS2, XBOX and Wii. All games run on PC, Mac, Android and can download ROMs such as GBA, SNES, NDS, N64, PSX, 3DS, and GBC.Download ROMs and emulators such as GBA, SNES, NDS, GBC, GB, N64, NES, PSP, PS2, XBOX and Wii. All games run on PC, Mac, Android and