bronchitis-causing acute and chronic treatment

We will proceed with care in a way that suits our constitutionbronchitis is inflammation of bronchitis, the inside wall is disease that causes inflammation.The respiratory virus and environmental pollution, bacteria infections, bacteria, and allergic reactions such as smoking and environmental pollution.This causes the mucosa of bronchial mucosa increases and the bronchial support, and the bronchial treatment is difficult to breathe.As a major symptom, cough, respiratory difficulties, respiratory difficult, respiratory pain, respiratory pain, and bronchial pituitary holes are caused by bronchus spasm.The air pipe supporting inflammation and chronic bronchitis and chronic bronchitis, and chronic bronchitis.What is the airThe cause of bronchitis is different.As a main cause, the respiratory virus and bacteria infection.The infection is stimulated in the bronchial wall and causes inflammation and causes swelling.Also, one of the main factors that cause allergic reaction is also caused by bronchitis.The energy reaction is stimulated and causes inflammation of the inside wall of the bronchial wall to the environment factors and allergen.Smoking is also one of the main cause of bronchitis.Smoking is stimulated in the bronchial wall and causes inflammation and causes inflammation and invite the bronchial pain.Also, it may cause bronchitis media may cause bronchitis.cause of air pipe supportThe main symptoms of bronchitis is as follows.First, the cough is one of the main symptoms.cough is also accompanied by dry or sputum, and sputum, especially in the morning.The sputum is transparent or yellow, green.It is also likely to breathe difficult and breathing difficulties and breathing difficulties.There are also a feeling of chest pain and chest pain.Sometimes, there are thousands of sound, and sometimes sometimes the breath of thousands of sound.If symptoms are severe, there are also a general symptom such as weight reduction and fatigue.symptoms of air pipe supportThe cause of bronchitis is mainly affected by respiratory tractor, but children and young people may affect growth.If the bronchitis continues to be serious, it is not supplied from respiratory organs, it may not provide sufficient nutrition to the body.This may affect growth and development.The air pipe supporting the functionality of respirator and reduce appetite and reduce weight.Also, chronic bronchitis may limit the amount of youth and children’s activities, and children’s activities needed to ensure that the normal physical activity needed.a problem of air and growth problemsThe cause of bronchitis is mainly affected by respiratory tractor, but children and young people may affect growth.If the bronchitis continues to be serious, it is not supplied from respiratory organs, it may not provide sufficient nutrition to the body.This may affect growth and development.The air pipe supporting the functionality of respirator and reduce appetite and reduce weight.Also, chronic bronchitis may limit the amount of youth and children’s activities, and children’s activities needed to ensure that the normal physical activity needed.a problem of air and growth problemsIt is important to distinguish the cause of bronchitis.The air pipe support is mainly in bronchial inflammation, sputum, sputum, sputum, sputum, and breathing difficulties.Unlike this, cold is a contagious disease that occurs by respiratory virus, nose, the symptoms of fever, throat, throat pain, throat pain, throat pain, throat pain, throat pain, throat pain, throat pain, throat pain.The symptoms of cold is usually managed within 7 to 10 days, but bronchitis may continue to the symptoms.The cold is usually caused by fever, and runny nose is more than nose.The air pipe supporting is worse than cough and breathing difficulty.If the symptoms continue to consult with the symptoms continue to consult with medical staff.How to distinguish the air pipe supporting the coldThe method of managing bronchitis and Chinese therapy.This helps reduce inflammation and ease cough.Also, Chinese medicine is also good prescription and then I would like to prescribe medical staff advice after the health of medical staff.The benefits of acupuncture, Chinese physical therapy, Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine, and moxidia and moxidia and moxid.Also, Chinese therapy is useful to strengthen immune power and activities.Chinese medicine and Chinese therapyTo prevent the cause of bronchitis, you must comply with several important points.First, I should avoid smoking.Smoking is stimulated by stimulating bronchitis and causes inflammation and deteriorating bronchitis.Also, there is to reduce exposure to environmental pollution and harmful chemical substances.It also helps prevent the air of energy reaction, use air cleaning machine to clean the indoor air.It is important to maintain healthy lifestyle.The ability to strengthen the physical strength through the correct exercise and improve immune power.Also, it is important to prevent the vaccination of the washroom and respiratory infection.To prevent the cause of bronchitis, you must comply with several important points.First, I should avoid smoking.Smoking is stimulated by stimulating bronchitis and causes inflammation and deteriorating bronchitis.Also, there is to reduce exposure to environmental pollution and harmful chemical substances.It also helps prevent the air of energy reaction, use air cleaning machine to clean the indoor air.It is important to maintain healthy lifestyle.The ability to strengthen the physical strength through the correct exercise and improve immune power.Also, it is important to prevent the vaccination of the washroom and respiratory infection.To prevent the cause of bronchitis, several important points must be observed. First, you should avoid smoking. Cigarette smoke can irritate the bronchus, cause inflammation, and worsen bronchitis. It also needs to reduce exposure to environmental pollution and harmful chemicals. It is also helpful to avoid substances that cause allergic reactions and to clean the air in the room using an air purifier. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also important. It is helpful to strengthen your physical strength and improve your immune system through regular exercise. It is also important to get vaccinated to prevent hand washing habits and respiratory infections.Previous image Next imagePrevious image Next imageHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next one

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