How to Treat Early Leaknesses: Private Therapy Causes Woe
Men get enough pleasure just by evaluating in bed. However, women get higher satisfaction through continuous stimulation for enough time, and men’s premature circumstances can also reduce bed satisfaction. What is the cause of this symptom of premature leakage? The causes of premature leakage can be largely divided into psychological and physical factors.
Psychological factors can be improved or worsened depending on each situation. On the other hand, physical symptoms caused by sensitivity are not improved simply by circumstances. The high sensitivity is caused by the nerves in the penis, so it is difficult to improve if the reaction of the nerves is not lowered. Therefore, products such as anesthetic cream and spray may be used to reduce sensitivity, but if you use a product that has not been medically verified, you may immediately lose sensitivity, but you should be careful because you can get skin diseases such as inflammation.
There are also men who try to improve their symptoms of premature leakage in an unverified way. Some people want to reduce sensitivity by rubbing the penis with coarse materials such as toothbrush hair and dirt towels, and then developing new skin. Absolutely not. It can cause serious side effects. In particular, excessive stimulation of the ear and head can damage the basic tissue of the skin, which can cause inflammation and other diseases. In severe cases, skin necrosis may occur.
The sensitivity of the sensitive penis does not become dull just because the flesh of the bird is applied. You have to cut off the nerves that basically speed things up. Gilman Point Neuroblocking is a fast-leakage operation that selectively blocks only the abdominal nerves of the penis connected to the ear head and the penis, maintaining the original sexual sense of the penis and the ear head, and blocking only the sensitive nerves. In addition, there are other treatments for premature leakage such as Noble Onigashira enlargement and platoon resection.
Gilman Urological Clinic does not recommend surgery unconditionally. I aim to treat premature leakage without surgery. We will identify the cause of premature leakage by individual through accurate examination and provide appropriate treatment. In the case of psychogenic premature leakage caused by psychological atrophy, we can try to solve it easily. A high-end ballpoint pen-type trimix erection injection is a drug treatment that self-injects drugs into the penis and causes erection within 3-5 minutes. It exerts a rigid erection effect for 1-2 hours. The main ingredient is vasodilator, which induces erection regardless of sexual conditions and lasts for more than a certain period of time.
Compared to the past, both men and women are more interested in sexual satisfaction. As a result, more and more people are pursuing a more satisfying bed with enough time and stimulation, and the issue of male sexual function is recognized as important. If there is a lack of sexual function, it is wise to find a way to improve it positively rather than neglecting it.
Compared to the past, both men and women are more interested in sexual satisfaction. As a result, more and more people are pursuing a more satisfying bed with enough time and stimulation, and the issue of male sexual function is recognized as important. If there is a lack of sexual function, it is wise to find a way to improve it positively rather than neglecting it.
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