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When the police stopped him in a non-smoking area, he abused the police officer.I feel sorry for the public servants.I think strong punishment is really necessary for people like this.I think it’s because the law is weak.It’s a sitcom, and I heard that the woman made a false accusation first.Is it right to crack down on smoking in non-smoking areas? I really hate thinking. 2. The most important thing in my life is to be careful of those psychotic people.There’s nothing to be gained by getting involved with such a person.I wonder if that civil servant will ever get a settlement fee.I can see her purse situation without looking at it.In conclusion, it is better to avoid psychotic patients +@ Please punish them strongly.A woman was seen beating her father’s public servant who started a crackdown on illegal dumping of cigarettes in a non-smoking area in the middle of the day, sparking public outrage.On the 27th, an online community posted a video titled, “A woman who acts like a public servant who controls smoking in water.”In the video, a woman wearing a black leather jacket kicks a middle-aged civil servant several times and immediately clenches her fist and hits her head with her hand.The woman clenched her bag and hit her head eight times so that the official could not move. When a passing citizen stopped the assault, he said, “This person made a false accusation first. I thought I’d put up with it and go,” he said.Middle-aged civil servants were beaten without resistance, and women were forced to throw documents in their hands.According to testimony from citizens who witnessed the situation at the time, the woman in the video was stopped by a public official who was smoking in a non-smoking area and controlling dumping without permission. As soon as he complained about the fine, he began to assault the man.1. There are a lot of psychopaths these days.Dan Burton’s photograph of Unsplash

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